3 Key Blog Posts - Investigation

Once we had the basic idea for our publication we really struggled to take it to the next step with creating imagery that relates well to the topics. With two of our members being away in Milan we struggled with picking out ideas that they would also be happy with which I felt held us back a lot. Those who weren’t there had a meeting with Laura the first week back after Easter she really homed in that we need to pick descriptive words that we were able to find or make things that we could generate imagery with that we would then relate to the topics and that it was crucial that we started working on this even with people missing. Once we had this down I found it easy to pick out things that I already previously owned that I could bring in for our groups photoshoot for our imagery for the publication and exhibition. Amber came up with the idea of the publication having an overly edited look, and to make it look digitalised to show the idea that we have the publication in person to represent physically shopping, but it looks like a computer to represent online shopping. From this idea, I decided to start looking at layouts, and fonts that we could use for inspiration for our publication. However, I feel Amber had already thought all of this through and that she had a clear idea of what she wanted the final outcome wanted to look like. The main idea was to make it look as glitched and digital as possible. It was good to be in a group for our photoshoot as everyone interpreted it differently, which meant we brought in a wide range of stuff that which then resulted in an outcome that worked really well with the four topics imagery overlapping into each other. Due to the nature of our topic, making an end project wasn’t ever going to fit in with what we want the reader to capture. This is why we decided to stick with photographing our gathering of objects that we had either bought or previously made, in order to generate an exciting idea.  
As group we then all took a copy of the images to edit them in our own style and how we believed looked effective with the glitch style in mind, I think it was interesting how people with different practices interpreted their own spin on this idea, which you can clearly see throughout the images. However, after a tutorial with Rachel we got the idea she didn’t really understand it that well, especially the topic surrounding sustainability. So we decided to then get rid of that topic to make room for further in depth ideas into the other three. With the images done, it meant that we could finally start planning our publication layout, and writing text that would accompany the images. The week after we took our images to digitally edit and with each a section of writing we met back up again to plan the layout of the publication. After this started to put it into InDesign. This was the hardest part of the whole unit, as we all had little experience with the programme. Whilst in the making of putting it into InDesign, we had our two tutor review. This was a real learning curve as both tutors highlighted that our concept was showing through clearly enough. This meant we re-planned the layout and wording for the publication in order for it to make more sense. The tutor review made me doubt our ideas and planning, as it came across that the idea as whole wasn’t really working. However, we kept going at it, re designed the publication which resulted in our final publication we have to showcase in the exhibition. 

(Below are images of us as a group planning out the layout of our publication)
