3 Key Blog Posts - Reflection

I have found this unit incredibly challenging for many reasons. I felt like throughout this unit I haven’t been able to use my normal practice and way of creating to influence the ideas. But it has meant that I have been able to learn how to generate an original idea, from research without imagery being the starting point. I believe this has been the same for every specialism within my group, where we have not been using knowledge that we have previously learnt but instead working as a group to overcome the new knowledge to understand trend forecasting. I believe that this isn’t just down to the course but also the idea we came up with. Due to it being so futuristic, and not to do with material based predictions, it was forcing me to step out of my comfort zone. Even though I have enjoyed this unit, and researching the future of retail, I believe that if I was to do it again I would pick a materials based trend. I have missed the actual making part of textiles, rather than just focusing on generating imagery for the publication. I’m aware that I could have been able to incorporate my area into this unit but I struggled to see how I could make it a part of the publication. I think that we would have benefited by working towards a live brief within this unit, meaning it would give us a direction and idea on what the end product could be. 
I always struggle within group work, not only because everyone has their own ideas and having to compromise with each other but because I have felt throughout this unit that it is hard to make a decision without everyone there due to me not wanting to un-include them on the decision making, which unintentionally means that as a group you are being held back. Working in a group with such a range of disciplines has been interesting. I found that people who had a very different way of working towards me, didn’t do as much, but that was down to the misunderstanding of research and planning. One thing that I have taken from this unit, is how to make a publication. This is something that I know I will use when I go into third year as a way of presenting my work in a professional manner, especially the programme InDesign, even though it is still at a basic level, my understanding on layouts will carry me very far and if a job opportunity arises I know I will be able to apply these skills. I also helped with the making of the actual book, which again is a completely new skill that I have managed to pick up in this unit that I know I will be able to carry on into next year. 
Even though the publication and exhibition went really well, I wish we had planned our exhibition space better. I think we could have done everything on a larger scale. Especially the posters in the exhibition, I felt that we were just hidden away in the corner with nothing from our space standing out. I also think we could have benefitted having more to show, other groups had items that you could touch and play with, which I think really affected ours. 

(Below are images from our exhibition) 
