Change of Pace

This week has definitely been an interesting one in the terms of my processes. I started the week feeling very unmotivated and not even wanting to look at my work, but come Wednesday it completely switched around and I haven't been able to stop! Especially after my project review the other day it really made me consider my practice and where I want my work to go.  I have been constantly coming up with new ideas and things to change. For example I have decided to change my colour pallet. The main reason for this is because I had such an in depth colour pallet full of colours that I know I won't like in correlation to my work. But after some research I've selected a
collection of images that I really like for the colours in them, and created a 'colour board' for inspiration. I am also unsure if I will use the clay beads I made last week as I am wanting use the laser cut machine to create some more, which I know will hold a sharper geometric shape, but this is something I will test when I finally start printing onto fabrics.
This week i have also been focusing on designing my motifs that I will use in my designs. Now that it is coming up to the mid project point I really need to start thinking about my designs and final samples to hopefully start printing by the end of next week. Along with this I plan to do some fabric samples to help decide which fabrics I am wanting to use to print on. Exciting!
So this week my main plan is to create a mood board, develop drawings further, continue with drawing motifs and start thinking about print designs by drawing thumbnails and/or collages.

Above - Collages using found materials                   Below - drawings to add texture to digital prints                                                                                          
