Unit X - Topic 2 - Development

During unit X and exploring the theme forest fires, I have decided to home in on the stages of the fire and smoke. I am focusing mainly on the digital side of printing within this unit although I know I want to print on top of some designs to add an extra texture. I have also considered burning some of my samples but after a lot of consideration I decided against it as not only does it not reflect the style of my prints, the colours that come along with burnt fabric would go against the light smoky colours I have chosen to focus with.
My main body of work that I have been developing over the last couple of weeks has a colourful yet busy feel to it. This definitely reflects my own practice a lot although I am very aware that these traits don’t represent our theme very well. However, if definitely reflects the feelings of a fire when it is in full rage mode burning through. But to counteract this, the colours are very playful rather than having the hint of danger and panic. But this is due to our colour pallet and the image it stemmed from. My designs that I have created so far are starting to slowly represent a Japanese style which is completely incidental. Nonetheless I really like how they are turning out. I can picture these designs on kimonos or the interiors of a Japanese styled house. This is definitely something that I am going to look more into, by exploring further into the style and using it in my own work or create visuals using this style of imagery.

Due to being off ill, it has put my slightly behind than the rest of my group by missing crucial meetings. However, this will not stop me from catching up to them or chasing them down for samples so I can finally start collaborating. Not only has it put my group work on hold it has also damaged my own work for this unit. Struggling with time now I am limited for time with experimenting. I wanted to produce a screen so I could be able to further my samples, and adding different textures. Printing onto I really wanted to explore further into devore. It’s something that would work well alongside certain samples of mine and not only that it ties in with our theme.
Here are some of the designs I have been working on: 
