Unit X - Topic 3 - Evaluation

After starting this unit concerned how I would translate forest fires through my samples I feel as though a have produced a strong body of work that definitely shows this theme. Starting out I sampled a lot of different methods of media I could use to create textures and/or motifs. I have some really effective pieces within this category. My brusho paintings and also the burnt plastic/fabric samples I made really show the feeling of how destructive fire can actually be. Although a lot of my techniques that I sampled were really effective none of them really turned out as well as I hoped they would. They don’t tend to fit my style of work and also the colour pallet that we had chosen. Not progressing further into some of these is something I regret in this unit. I feel as though I could have pushed the boundaries, creating something really unique and interesting, alongside this I would have stepped outside of my comfort zone which could have bettered my work for the future.

As a group we decided that we would all home in on different stages through the fire. My stage was the end of the fire. When producing my motifs, I wanted to try my hardest to keep them so I could easily show my stage by using subtle hints of fire speckles and then focus on the smoke/ash to show the after affects. After brainstorming ideas of drawings, I could have used to produce motifs, I caved and went for the obvious which is plant life and trees. I still wanted them to be abstract stepping away from my usual style of neatness. Going out and walking through woods and forests really helped during the development stage. I took my sketchbook out with me on one of my walks and decided that I would use one of the Friday drawing techniques of ‘blind drawing’. These are what I used for the main part of my prints.  

I was off due to being ill for just under a week. I feel as though this massively affected my work and the time I have had to complete my final six samples. It has made me rush my work this past week trying to catch up and get back on track with my group work. I tried to prioritise my group work first over my own and putting together a sample to put on our final board for the exhibition so I didn’t let my group down. This has meant that a lot of my samples are very similar and I think that in a few you can tell that there’s not been much thought and time put into them which is very unfortunate. I am upset that this is the case and it has made me feel unhappy with some of the work that I have produced. I aimed for this unit to keep on top of everything and to produce something that not only I find very visually pleasing but something I really enjoyed making. But instead I have found myself only liking a few of them. If I were to re do this unit I would definitely start producing main work earlier on, meaning that it would give me more time to re do them if I was unhappy with them.  Unfortunately, when redoing one of my final samples the fabric I had been printing on had ran out in the A4 and more store. This meant that I had to choose a different fabric which I think really ruins the collection. The fabric I replaced with it isn’t as thick and doesn’t hold the stitching as well as the others do.
With a part of this unit being collaborative, it made me want to push my own samples further by adding different textures on top of them. I decided that I would embroider on top of them using the machines and hand stitch methods. I didn’t want to overdo some of the stitching so that it distracted the eye away from the main print. I think the little touches of stitch I have added into them has definitely made them stronger as an individual sample.

I wish I had more time so I could have pushed my work even further, and rush less so I wasn’t making important rash decisions. I also feel like I could have benefited from having more guidance within the print area, as I feel as though within the areas we have been left to our own devices with very little advice. Overall I have mixed feelings about my work in this unit. I have a couple of very strong pieces and some that are lacking. I feel as though what I have produced is not what I set out to achieve, I really wanted to push myself within Unit X and I feel as though I haven’t had the support and knowledge to do so. 
