The London Trip 5th-7th December

The London trip was amazing for me. I found it so inspiring during my studio visit to Owens and Kim and also to meander around London in and out of galleries. I especially found visiting the V&A inspiring, being able to look around the Rebels and Records exhibition that was on at the time was definitely a highlight. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to take photos in the exhibition but I bought a pin as memorabilia.

My studio visit was interesting to not only look at a studio full of people hard at work but to discover how fast pace it all is and learning that there in particular they are expected to have completed two to three designs just in one day! Learning how they mainly have to generate ideas from the cat walks I found odd, but at the same time I understand it more as they’re selling to clothing companies and understandably the clothing companies want the latest styles and latest trends.
Other highlights from the trip are being able to look around liberties and their window display. And also having a quick walk around winter wonderland which I have been dying to go to for years!
